Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why You Shouldnt Drink and Drive - 1951 Words

Attenion-Catching Remarks: Every person is accountable for his or her own right to drink. Failure to treat this or any right responsibly has consequences. The persons right can and should be taken away when the failure to act responsibly endangers other. Thesis: Today I would like to talk to you about the problems of drinking and driving, and why it is a concern for all of us. Main Point I: Id like to start off by talking about the penalties of drinking and driving. Did you know that drunk driving is the nations most frequently committed violent crime? A chronic drunk driver is a person who has driven over 1,000 times before being caught. They do not respond to social pressures, law enforcement, and the messages that have been†¦show more content†¦Main Point II: Next I would like to talk about accidents and the potential dangers there are with drunk drivers on the road. I would like to start out by telling you a story that is written by Kathleen Buenemann, Donettes mother. O n the night of August 8th, 1996, after finishing her shift at work, Donette was on her way home. A 29-year-old female left the beer garden at the county fair, around 11 PM. This girl had been there most of the night drinking. She managed to avoid the police and found her way through town in her Mercedes. Just outside of the city limits of town, she crossed the centerline and sideswiped a Jeep, the full length, and proceeded on across the line and hit my daughters 95 Neon, nearly head-on. My daughters car was spun around and flipped on the drivers side and slid down and embankment, and came to a rest. A 3rd car drove through the point of impact and was untouched. The 4th car was hit by the debris from my daughters car, but no injuries there. My daughter had tried to move to the shoulder, but the other car continued on to hit her. Donette had her seat belt on and the air bags did deploy, but because of where the impact was the steering wheel went between the front seats so fast that t he bag was of no use. Donettes head struck the A post and then the pavement when the car turned on its side. They said she died instantly ofShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Alcohol And Drugs On Society Essay1510 Words   |  7 Pagessituation. Stage 1 would be the Developmental Zone. In this stage symptoms are very low at this point. Drinking symptoms are occasional. This zone includes social drinking, drinking faster and more than others, suffering memory blackouts and having a drink at least once a week. Stage 2 is the Zone of Overt Alcoholism. In stage two symptoms are occurring more than the first stage. Meaning they are more noticeable. Loss of control over their drinking. People in this stage also have an aggression or protectiveRead MoreShould the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18? 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They tell us how we aren’t allowed to drink, that we aren’t old enough or mature enough to do it, but the more adults talk about it, the more teenagers want to do it. When a kid goes off to college, it’s expected that he is going to drink. Since most kids don’t know what a hangover feels like, or what it’s like to get the spins, they don’t know their limits and when they need to stop. That is when you get people doing stupid things because they don’t know any better.Read MoreChapter 3: Cells784 Words   |  4 Pagesfor each question. Answer blocks should expand as you type. If you experience difficulty ty ping in the provided answer blocks, you may type your answers in a new document. Save a copy of the completed activity to your computer for your records. Although this activity is not graded, your instructor reserves the right to require students to submit their completed work at any time throughout the semester. Short Answer Questions 1. 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