Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cultural Diversity Of The World - 2024 Words

In an increasingly globalized world it is of great importance to preserve and promote the exchange and understanding of cultures of the world. [W]hile the processes of globalization, which have been facilitated by the rapid development of information and communication technologies, afford unprecedented conditions for enhanced interaction between cultures, they also represent a challenge for cultural diversity. The external manifestation of the peoples of the world shapes a culture; sometimes realized as a tangible object and sometimes intangible. While a tangible element, such as a religious building, work of art, or manuscript can be more recognizable, an intangible element, is different, although not entirely distinct, it encompasses the processes and practices of a culture; it can be something as simple as a traditional recipe or daily ritual. In some cases tangible and intangible elements can be linked very close together, for example the Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi in Kampala, Uganda, represents a physical site, a built heritage, but it also represents a place of spirit, full of traditions, rituals and rites for the Baganda people. A culture is dependent on a particular person or group, in a particular time and in a particular place, and in many cases embodies a shared ethnicity, religion, political belief or generation. These particularities can create a culture group but are c ontingent as a subset to the larger culture of the world. The discourse on whatShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Cultural And Religious Diversity On The World1701 Words   |  7 Pageswhich influence the activities of the people. In such a way beliefs and attitudes are interrelated with culture. This interrelation causes emergence of cultural and religious diversity in the world. 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Also, it helps the students become self-aware when making choices amidst difficultRead MoreC ultural Integration Within The World1264 Words   |  6 PagesCultural integration is quite complicated concept as it can be interpreted and understood differently by many people. Scholars having been researching cultural integration around the world in the last two centuries. Some scholars have explained this term satisfactorily. One of these scholars is Durkheim (1951), as he thinks that cultural integration is a process in which individuals or groups of social system can interconnect effectively. In other words, cultural integration concerns the evolutionRead MoreCultural Diversity and Communication Barriers1482 Words   |  6 PagesOrganizations Topic: Cultural diversity and communication barriers Instructors name: Robert Lindquist Date submitted 29 September 2010. Cultural diversity is the power which motivates the development of the thing that makes us different. Cultural diversity is the economic growth, which means leading a more fulfilling emotional, moral and spiritual life. It captures the culture principles, which provide a sturdy basis for the promotion of cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is an asset that isRead MoreThinking About Diversity and Inclusion808 Words   |  4 PagesThinking about diversity and inclusion 1. What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by referencing both textbooks. The dimensions of cultural diversity consist of in the diverse cultures in the world. The diversity is the different race, gender, age, ethical, language, religion, education, and more. The geographic region and the social roll are the result of the cultural diversity in the world. The diversity is variable and depends of the human’sRead MoreDiversity Issues Paper1016 Words   |  5 PagesDiversity Issues Diversity Issues Organizations who make a commitment to diversity can see a significant impact on business in many ways. Diversity â€Å"requires a significant commitment for change to occur† (Delong, 2007, p.9). It is extremely important that leaders understand the commitment and embrace it in order for a positive impact to occur. Employers with diverse cultures and leaders can build positive and successful relationships with customers, suppliers and vendors. They can better attractRead MoreCultural Diversity and Communication Barriers1490 Words   |  6 PagesOrganizations Topic: Cultural diversity and communication barriers Instructors name: Robert Lindquist Date submitted 29 September 2010. Cultural diversity is the power which motivates the development of the thing that makes us different. Cultural diversity is the economic growth, which means leading a more fulfilling emotional, moral and spiritual life. It captures the culture principles, which provide a sturdy basis for the promotion of cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is an asset that is

Friday, December 20, 2019

Michelangelos David Essay - 775 Words

When thinking of sculptures, one of the first that comes to mind is David. This statue was created of marble between 1501 and 1504 and stands over 14 feet high. David is a symbol that represents strength and anger. The statue had intended political connotations for the ruling of the Medici family. Michelangelo used David as model of heroic courage to demonstrate that spiritual strength can be more effective than arms. Michelangelo insisted that David should stand as a symbol of the republic and act as a warning that Florence shall be governed justly and bravely. This was the first time since antiquity that a large nude statue be exhibited in a public place. Michelangelos David is based on the artistic discipline of disegno.†¦show more content†¦David is extremely buff, a quality that was highly revered during the Greek and Roman eras, and he shows off the male body very well. He is in a slight contraposto stance, where the artist illustrates the natural counterbalance of the body through the bending of the hips in one direction and the legs in another direction. The well defined muscular build is the ideal form to our culture today. Personally I strive to better myself to be physically strong and muscular in appearance. Though David is a male model, he makes a gorgeous physical role model for me. His facial expression is tense and determined, as it should be before the battle of Goliath. Determination, fighting for what one stands for, is noble and stunning. Unlike the David of Donatello, Michelangelos David is not shown after conquering his enemy. Instead, he is portrayed as an extremely athletic and manly character; the sculpture even depicts a worried look cast upon Davids face and the carved marble veins seem to pulse with anticipation as he contemplates the upcoming fight. Cast over Davids shoulder is his sling, and the stone is clutched in his right hand. Michelangelos David depicts the ideal youth who has just reached manhood and is capable of great physical and intellectual feats, which is part of the classical tradition. Michelangelos David portrays one man in a very powerful and intelligent light, and even hinting that this one man may be someShow MoreRelatedThe Discobolus And Michelangelos David1280 Words   |  6 Pagesstandard for physical idealism stretching beyond the culture that it originated from. The evolution of such ideal standards for the human body’s aesthetic are similarly conveyed in an equally signif icant achievement in classical sculpture, Michelangelos David. Both of these pieces capture their respective audiences’ ideas of exceptional beauty and shed light on their attitudes toward the appropriateness, and even the utility of nudity in art and society at large. The Discobolus is a physically gorgeousRead More A Comparison of Michelangelos and Donatellos Sculptures of David1281 Words   |  6 PagesComparison of Michelangelos and Donatellos Sculptures of David Michelangelo and Donatello were the most respected and inspiring artists of their time. Michelangelo of the High Renaissance and Donatello of the Early Renaissance both hailed from Italy. Both tell the biblical story of David versus Goliath, as told in I Samuel 17:28-51, in their sculptures David. David was a Shepherd boy who killed the giant Goliath with nothing but a slingshot in his hands. Michelangelo displays David before theRead MoreEssay about Michelangelos Statue of David1114 Words   |  5 Pages The statue of David, completed by Michelangelo in 1504, is an easily recognizable symbol to people not only in Florence, but from all around the world. The David has a special meaning for Florentines, and is a symbol of what the city strives to be; strong, courageous, and youthful. The sculpture tells the tale of the battle between David and Goliath. David, a young boy at the time, was angered at the way Goliath was treating the Israelis and stood up to the giant feat of taking on Goliath. WithRead MoreLeonardos Mona Lisa vs. Michelangelos David Essay773 Words   |  4 PagesLeonardo’s Mona Lisa v. Michelangelo’s David The Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci around 1503-6, is oil on panel. It is a three quarter portrait of a young, Florentine woman. She is sitting in a chair with her torso twisting around to face the viewer. Her hands are resting on the arm of the chair. Behind the woman in the background is a landscape very characteristic of many Leonardo paintings. The Mona Lisa was painted toward the end of Leonardo’s career. In contrast, the David created by MichelangeloRead MoreEssay Comparing the Three Statues of David 955 Words   |  4 PagesComparing the Three Statues of David The pieces of art I will be comparing and contrasting are the three statues of David, by Donatello (Donato di Niccolà ² di Betto Bardi), Michelangelo (Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni), and Bernini (Gian Lorenzo Bernini). The statues are modeled after the biblical David, who was destined to become the second king of Israel. Also most famously known as the slayer of the Philistine giant Goliath with a stone and a sling. The sculptures are all basedRead MoreThe Evolution of David1112 Words   |  4 Pagesevolution of David. The most famous David sculptures come from the well-known and talented artists of Michelangelo and Bernini. There have been many David sculptures created throughout time, by such artist as Donatello and Verrocchio, but these works have eclipsed most other works to become sensations that will live forever. Michelangelo’s sculpture of David was created in 1504 during the Renaissance Era. It was commissioned for the Florence Cathedral but eventually replaced Donatello’s David in frontRead MoreThe Radical Change During The Renaissance Of A Young Boy With Unconvincing Looks As A Hero1566 Words   |  7 Pagesa giant? The story of David and Goliath was very prevalent at the time, and during this period in history, it was commissioned by Cosimo de’ Medici to represent the city of Florence. Florence wanted to show this representation of David through his strength, courage, and youthful confidence in its city. So, dating back to the 1440s, David was a prominent aspect of Renaissance art. The radical change during the Renaissance led artists to alter the original composition of David. Some could agree thatRead More David Essay916 Words   |  4 Pages David, who was destined to be the second king of Israel, destroyed the Philistine giant Goliath with stone and a sling. Do natello, Verrocchio, Michelangelo, and Bernini each designed a sculpture of David. However, the sculptures are drastically different from one another. Each one is unique in its own certain way. Donatello, whose David was the first life-size nude statue since Classical times, struck a balance between Classicism and the realism by presenting a very real image of an Italian peasantRead MoreThe Renaissance Or Modern Era Essay1761 Words   |  8 Pagesscriptures of the Old and New Testaments to provide the history and ideas used to recreate events of the past with resounding likeness to man. The story of David influenced Donatello, Verrocchio and Michelangelo by how he is described in the bible as a figure of strength, and beauty as the chosen one to be King of Israel. The story of David begins years before he was to be King, in the mountains of Ephraim where a man by the name of Elkanah lived ( Elkanah had many wives, oneRead MoreThe Works Of David The King David1706 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout the history there has been major events that occurred which left an impact for generations. A major history that was recorded in the bible was â€Å"King David†; base on our understanding of history David was once just a normal shepherd until King Saul the former ruler of Israel appointed him as the new air to the throne. In the present year David is known as the slayer of Goliath killing him with stones he put in his sling and cutting of his head. This event was printed as a biblical history because

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Essay Example For Students

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Essay Chris McCandless was just a victim of his own obsession. The novel Into The Wild written by John Krakauer revealed the life of a young bright man named Chris McCandless who turned up dead in Alaska in summer 1992. In the novel, John Krakauer approached carefully McCandlesss life without putting too much authorial judgment to the readers. Although Chris McCandless remained an elusive figure throughout the novel, I can see Chris McCandless as a dreamy young idealist who tries to follow his dream but failed because of his innocent mistake which prove to be fatal and irreversible. Still, Chris McCandlesss courage and passion was something that we should all be proud of. When Chris McCandlesss relationship with his father turned sour, he gave up everything including a sizeable bank account to the charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet and invented a new life, in turn for seeking the truth of mankind. Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth (pg117) was a passage highlighted in one of the books found with Chris McCandlesss remains. Although in the book, his complaints about his father never seem to be very clear. Yet, Krakauer suggested that possible reason was his father long-ago marital problem that seemed to enrage him. What I see from Chris McCandless that he had lost faith in humans and this was what led to his discovery the truth about Mankind. Chris McCandlesss passion for nature seemed to be endless. Krakauer mentioned that Chris McCandlesss passion for nature was evidently seen when he was eighthis first backpacking trip with his father. And it continues to grow as he grew older. After he decided to give up everything he had, Chris McCandless immediately set himself into painstakingly journeys. In the letter Chris McCandless wrote to Ron, he writes . .. The very basic core of a mans living spirit is his passion for adventure (pg57). Chris McCandless was possessed by a nomadic existence and was trying to share his principle of life to his friend by telling that the truth about life was to explore the nature. Chris McCandlesss last letter to Wayne revealed his true passion of nature. This is the last you shall hear from me I now walk into the wild(pg 69). Some people concluded that it was Chris McCandlesss suicide letter. However, in my opinion, Chris McCandless was just a victim of his own ego, pride and confidence that made him to neglect basic precautions that keep one person alive. He was controlled by his own delusions and that made him eager to test himself into strenuousness which proved fatal to him. Chris McCandless was a true adventurer. He went to his journeys mostly by foot and would not take any chance to cheat it. He bought an aluminum canoe at Arizona and paddled down the Colorado River, and nearly drowning in rough water in the Gulf of California. In his journal, he writes . .. It is the experiences, the memories, the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found. God its great to be alive! Thank you. Thank you (pg37). His confession in his journal proved that he had no regrets of what he had done even though it almost cost him his life. He also turned down Waynes offer to buy him an airplane ticket to Fairbanks. He says . .. Flying would be cheating. It would wreck the whole trip (pg67). He risked everything he had to experience the life of a voyager. Traveling from Washington to California, Chris McCandless experienced different kinds of situation which he seemed to be proud of. He celebrated New Years Eve by watching the moon rising over the great dessert, hopped a train, and spent nights living in the streets. .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 , .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .postImageUrl , .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 , .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803:hover , .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803:visited , .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803:active { border:0!important; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803:active , .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803 .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2c709e326ca2d6dbda75559b7122c803:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Strindberg"s Miss Julie and Beckett"s Waiting for Godot EssayAnother reason that made Chris McCandless a true explorer was his stubborn personality of not being able to conform to the rule of society. He worked in the McDonalds and hated the fact that he had to wear socks under threat of his manager. According to his assistant manager, he says Chris would comply with the rule, but as soon as his shift was over,-bang! The first thing hed do is peel those socks off (pg 49). Chris McCandlesss hygiene was often complaint by his manager too and according to his manager it was because of him that Chris McCandless at last quit. Chris McCandlesss genius had led him into a tragic death. Yet his ego, passion, courage were something that should be preserved. No man ever followed his genius till it misled him (pg47). Although he failed his mission, he was considered a brave young man who went into the wilderness by himself and was able to survive for 16 weeks in Alaska. He showed no regret of what he had done because he died trying to achieve his inner happiness, the truth.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Dear Charles Darwin, Essay Example For Students

Dear Charles Darwin, Essay Hello, I have recently read your theory on naturalselection and the Origin of Species. Although each of usapproach life differently, for example your ambition being ona different level than mine and your formal learning morethan I feel is needed, I admire how much you have learnedfrom nature. I say that if one advances confidently in the direction ofhis dreams and endeavors to live the life which he hasimagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in commonhours. Although you werent a prominent scientist, you tookon the challenge of learning from nature, that which whatothers have not. You didnt go on a scientific expedition orlive like all the other scientists, instead you boarded theboat, H.M.S. Beagle, and brought with you only thenecessities. You learned more as an individual on that tripthan most scientists do with all their intricate tools. I, likeyou, gave up luxuries at a point in my life in order to livedeliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and seeif I could not learn what it had to teach, and not , when Icame to die, to discover that I had not lived. Following the advice of my friend Emerson, I, like you,went out and experienced nature as a transparent eyeball,observing as much as I could. I noticed the Pickerel under theice in the pond, I never pondered the possibility of thedifferent kinds of Pickerel to be originated from the samespecies. When you were observing nature in the GalapagosIslands, you saw all the different types of plants and animalsand postulated that some of the different species of eachcame from a single ancestor. Emerson, whom I mentioned previously, says,Greatgeniuses have the shortest biographies. Their cousins can tellyou nothing about them, I believe that to be true in yourcase. You didnt do much in terms of accomplishments andkept your accounts on the tip of your finger. But youraccomplishments that I can assume from your writings areastounding for you analization of nature. You achieved muchwithin your mind. It is not the fact that imports, but theimpression or effect of that fact on the mind. Your ideas have affected many people. Contraversieshave arisen from religious people who strongly oppose theidea of evolution because it conflicts with their religiousbeliefs; yet also, it has affected others who believe in yourtheories or take them into perspective by changing theirreligious thoughts from blind faith to questioned faith. Unlikeconformist, you went in a direction that differed from whatwas okay being taught in the institutions of Christ. Youdecided not to just study nature in form s of reference booksbut, instead you went out to experience it. Although I do nottotally agree with the way you lived your life, I applaud youon your accomplishments. Besides, if your followedeverything that I think is right and took the beliefs that Ihold that would not allow you to be your own person and beself reliant. Sincerely,Henry David Thoreau